SkyFire web browser by
2010-08-23 15:26 UTC |
I just installed SkyFire for my cell phone 15 minutes ago - unbelievable!
Just when they said that Windows Mobile is dead.
SkyFire will play Flash media on Windows Mobile, Android, pretty much anything. I was able to view Flash banners, YouTube (which is flash), even Flash games.
Adobe themselves won't give you flash for your cell phone.
If your phone has arrow keys, up-down-left-right, clicking on any arrow key will produce a mouse pointer - just like Opera mobile browser.
SkyFire not only lets you watch embeded youtube videos, it lets you watch streaming media. For example, the browser's default homepage has a link to live TV so you can watch for example CNN, Fox, NBC and CSPAN or live radio.
SkyFire loads faster than Opera mobile. But I think Opera is a fuller over-all browser. Whereas SkyFire concentrates on media such as flash and streaming media.
What do they get for giving you a free browser full of goodies?
After you've installed and launched the browser, there's an optional login link. Note: I said optional and that its a link. So I guess they make money by collecting your personal information - optionally for now anyway. And as of now, there's no advertising.
All this from a 15 minute observation -- and I've never heard of this before.
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